Iowa City Baby Photographer | McKayla’s Christmas Shoot!

You may remember this little nugget (or likely not) from when she was in her momma’s belly.

I was SOOO excited to meet her, and of course like most things in my life, it turned into a photo shoot.  Be on the look out for:

1. the MOST priceless facial expressions!

2. the major ballerina potential in this little sugar plum fairy!

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

Iowa City Baby Photographer

101 in 1,001 | Iowa City Photographer’s Bucket List!

pink flowers

So this concept isn’t new to the blogging world, but I thought I’d take it out for a whirl.  Its actually been quite fun writing my list.  I recruited some of my best friends, and we’ve been drafting our lists side-by-side in google docs, commenting on one another’s and such.  I was inspired by Lane Baldwin, an incredibly talented and sweet photographer that has ‘taken me under her wing’ over the last year or so, to incorporate 101 in 1,001 into my photography blog.

Like Lane, I’m a huge list person. Just glancing around my desk, I can see no less than 6 lists within reach! Ha! I never said it was an efficient habit 😉  That being said, I am a huge proponent of setting goals and make sh*t happen- this will be my little ‘guide’ for the next 2.75ish years.  To be upfront and honest, some of these things I know will happen.  Amongst my confidants (aka my hubby and best friends), there is some disagreement about putting things on the list you know will happen. BUT c’mon, I like crossing things off a little too much- ha like you haven’t stopped emptying the dishwasher 75% of the way through to stop and write a list that includes ’empty dishwasher’ on it just for the pleasure of a quick cross-off? Huh? Only me- yeah right!

Well here goes!

Start date: October 8, 2013

End date: July 5, 2016 (gulp)

(I did absolutely no math, but googled ‘1,001 days from today’ and clicked on the first link)

  1. Upgrade my film camera
  2. Have a girls’ trip in France
  3. Upgrade my website
  4. Have a Christmas Tree
  5. Do a Hot Yoga Intro Membership
  6. Try Pure Barre
  7. Start an Instagram account
  8. Shoot a family session in film
  9. Make wedding album
  10. Make honeymoon album
  11. Begin system for family yearbooks
  12. Get a school counseling job!
  13. Send Christmas/New Year’s Cards
  14. Do a photo shoot in Spain
  15. Visit the Pacific Northwest
  16. Photograph a 6 Packer’s baby 😀
  17. Get a dog!
  18. Camp in a National Park
  19. Have a 6 pack weekend (non-wedding related)
  20. Get my masters in school counseling!
  21. Photograph newborn twins!
  22. Have a non-profit I donate to & volunteer regularly for
  23. Buy a new sewing machine & use it!
  24. Have anniversary or just because couples photos taken of us
  25. Go on a hot air balloon ride
  26. Go paddleboarding
  27. Visit a new continent! (besides: N.America, Europe, Africa)
  28. Give up something tough for Lent and stick to it
  29. Create branded packaging
  30. Take a Spanish class or lessons
  31. Buy my domain name!
  32. Microfinance a small business owner in a developing country (i.e. Kiva)
  33. Start watching/reading news regularly (BBC, etc.)
  34. Have professional headshots taken
  35. Ride a scooter/vespa through a European city
  36. Go white water rafting
  37. Learn how to drive stick shift
  38. Join a CSA
  39. Be able to swim 10 laps without flotation aid (yes, I strap a blue belt around my waist when in the deep end…)
  40. Go without cow’s dairy for a month
  41. Attending a photography workshop/retreat
  42. Join the world of smart phones
  43. Have a wedding featured
  44. Have an album made of my photography
  45. Create a logo for Carolyn Ann Photography
  46. Do a film photography challenge
  47. Practice and shoot with the Brenizer Method
  48. Freelens a portrait
  49. Donate photography every year (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
  50. See the Northern Lights (and take a photo!)
  51. Max out my Roth IRA contributions in a year
  52. Get my computer & back-ups organized!
  53. Change my name on everything
  54. Go to a broadway (or off-broadway) show
  55. Visit Amana Colonies
  56. Go (back) to Iowa State Fair
  57. Make a honeymoon video
  58. Use a sourdough starter consistently
  59. Go paper-towel-less
  60. Join Coralville Library
  61. Go on a romantic weekend getaway
  62. Do 5 workdays with Habitat for Humanity
  63. Read 15 books from either side of this list (that I haven’t already read):
  64. Go social media free for one weekend a month
  65. Eat a raw diet for one week
  66. Revamp my wardrobe with more professional clothing
  67. Sell my wedding dress(es)
  68. Go backcountry camping
  69. Make a gingerbread house
  70. Order room service! (and not care about how much it is…or try)
  71. Go to an amusement park all day
  72. Make a headboard
  73. Go for a hike once a month for a year
  74. make a stop motion video
  75. Track budget for one year
  76. Hike to the top of a mountain (any size!)
  77. Adopt a family/person around the Holidays
  78. Visit Colorado
  79. Develop a recycling system
  80. Try 5 3 new restaurants in Cleveland area (perfect east-side cafe, BEST biscuits & gravy, )
  81. Go to 7 new state parks, including: Maquoketa Caves State Park, Mines of Spain
  82. Meditate every day for a month
  83. Create a welcome kit for clients (about clothing, poses, makeup, etc.)
  84. Create a pricing sheet
  85. Clean up my gmail inbox
  86. Start a children’s book collection
  87. Start offering mini sessions
  88. 2nd shoot with an Iowa photographer
  89. Have a spa day just for me
  90. Master 7 challenging recipes from scratch:
  91. Make over a piece of furniture a la Pinterest style
  92. Start some of our own holiday traditions
  93. Go one week without looking in the mirror
  94. Do something daring with my never-been-dyed hair
  95. Go tubing behind a boat
  96. Get a new camera lens
  97. Volunteer abroad
  98. Attend an Oktoberfest
  99. Go on a weekend trip somewhere else in Iowa
  100. Make a beautiful cake
  101. Bungee jump or skydive

Have ideas or suggestions on how to accomplish these? Comment below!

p.s. those purdy flowers up there are a straight scan (i.e. non edited film) from a wedding I’ll be sharing soon!

Crystal + Mike Maternity | Carolyn Ann Photography

Mike and Crystal are good friends of Alex and me.  Alex was the best man in their wedding, Mike will be a groomsman in ours. I am excited to meet the little nugget they will be having this August!! In the meanwhile, I am super happy that I had the chance to photograph their maternity session and capture this special time in their lives. We shot at the Mentor Lagoons which has the most amazing forest and beach.  It was the perfect sunset light for photos 🙂ohio-maternity-session

ohio-maternity-sessionohio-maternity-sessionCrystal and Mike shared their ultrasound pictures of baby McKayla along with an adorable Mickey onsie hat set.  Of course, Mike the total goofball played around and made his lovely wife laugh 😀 They also told me the sweet story of McKayla’s name which was quite serendipitous.








We found this lovely path of flowers and then moved on to the beach.  Crystal was such a trooper- so willing to hike or climb over anything when 7 months pregnant!ohio-maternity-session










Mike wanted to teach his daughter how to skip rocks 😉ohio-maternity-session






Mike, Crystal, & McKayla,

Thank you for the privilege of capturing this amazing time in your lives.

– Carolyn Ann Photography –

Garden Party Bridal Shower | Carolyn Ann Photography


This past March, I was the luckiest girl around 🙂 My bridesmaids threw me an amazing bridal shower (and bachelorette, but no pics here 😉 )

It was a sweet garden party themed shower, which was quite ironic as Northeastern Ohio was blanketed with snow that very morning! But we rolled with it and I am so happy to share the pretty little details.  I was lucky enough to have my bestie, Amanda, on hand to snap some shots when I was opening presents, being a hostess, etc. etc.



Guests got this tasty chocolate-drizzled popcorn for favors! It was super cute because Alex and I met in a movie theater (where we both worked, and where I consumed massive amount of this buttery good stuff 😉 ).  And who isn’t weak in the knees for some adorable fonts?? Just me?


And no shower is complete without some majorly pinterest-worthy treats!bridal-shower-treats



Then I sat tight while guests played a hilarious game of “Who said it?” They had to guess which one (Alex or myself) answered a question by holding up lips or a mustache.  Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun watching my face for clues 🙂




Then it was time to open presents under the cutest banner ever! This is no etsy buy, handmade by my maid of honor!


bridal shower

Surprise! The groom showed up 🙂bridal shower


Isn’t this the cutest card? So much handmade love going on that day.ribbon-bouquet

Seriously one of the best rehearsal bouquets ever! I can’t wait to rock it on July 19 😀

A special thanks to my special ladies who made me feel so darn special!!

Ladies & Gents, I present, my bridesmaids!
